My Son From Another Mother by Shar Baker

Created by sharbaker1919 11 years ago
well as you all know rouroni is radnor's best friend.they have know each other for many years. so as you can imagine he spent many hours at our house. ... i will tell you the best times i loved is, ran would have alex come over and they would stay up all nite playing games and laughing... at some points it would get so loud i would have to go go in to see what they were laughing so hard about...alex and ran have the best since of humor... when my son radnor moved up to oregon, it was alex who stopped in to check on me, he took me to the store, and the many times he come after work to get me back on the computer... he was there when i had to go to the e.r. and his mom jett and alex made sure i was taken care of. he also got me to go back to church, and when i broke down and all i could do is cry it was alex that was there for me. and his prayers. he had an understanding heart ... hahahaha the funny ting is , alex was basically quite. until you got to know him... gosh he was funny... really funny. like my son funny. and he is the only person that loved pixie sticks and stole mine when he came over.but would bring me some the next time he came. i told alex, you are my son from another mother.... , i will always love alex like my own son. i know my son is torn up and can't even speak. i know jett is one of the strongest women i know.she is a precious person as you can see where alex get's his strong moral character from.... alex was a funny one, any one who saw him might see him as a passive person. but alex had very strong moral convictions... alex was me other son... but rouroni, is an R.L.S.H. forever....and i am blessed to have had him touch my life so. <3 with love sharyl baker cherwa aka mamaforce